For years, I have touted the benefit of the flu shot during any trimester of pregnancy for two main reasons:
- If you contract the flu when you are pregnant, it will make you much sicker than your partner. In a number of cases, influenza leads to the complication of pneumonia, which frequently leads to hospitalization with breathing treatments and intravenous antibiotics. Most women who get the common cold from their husband or co-worker will tell you that they were sick for two or three days, but a pregnant woman will be sick for two weeks. It is simple; when you are pregnant, your immune system is naturally suppressed.
- Your newborn baby is susceptible to every infection known to man when it is born. Your baby has been in a sterile environment for forty weeks. Your unborn child has not had the opportunity to build up immunity to anything, other than what mom was exposed to during pregnancy. The only way to try to protect your child is to obtain immunization or contract the influenza virus during pregnancy. This creates antibodies that transfer to your child via the placenta.
Whether you believe a flu vaccine gives you the flu or that it causes autism there is no excuse for not making every person who will be in contact with your baby have the vaccine. Does the flu vaccine cause autism in an adult? NO. So why allow a family member or neighbor to bring the flu virus into your home.
Obamacare has made it possible for EVERYONE with insurance to get the flu vaccine FREE. Bring your insurance card and we will gladly vaccinate you and we will provide you the most comprehensive, preservative free vaccine available in the United States.